Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So basically I'm cursed.

Lately I've been having an uncountable number of problems with my apartment, but only because the one my roommates and I are staying in was renovated over the summer. Usually whatever goes wrong isn't my fault so I don't feel too bad about calling maintenance to come and fix the problem, but this past Monday I had an issue that I actually caused. Apparently the bathroom doors at Wolf Creek have the ability to lock, unbeknownst to me. After my shower I dress and close the bathroom door, then try and go back in a few minutes later. But wait, why is the door not opening? I call my roommate over and ask for her opinion.

At first we were under the assumption it was simply stuck, but further inspection proves otherwise; a third roommate of mine, Sindhu, comes in and enlightens us - the doors are able to lock if you push the doorknob in and turn. Right now it's about 6:00 in the evening and the office closes at 7:00. Ashley and I made our way up to the office and explain my dilemma. The employees have seen us so many times that they have memorized my name, building number, and apartment number. One woman tells me, "Maintenance has left for the day and won't be back until tomorrow." My eye twitches. Tomorrow? As in, not today? I have almost everything needed for me to get ready to face my classes inside that bathroom. The manager of Wolf Creek (who knows us best of all) sees me sit down at a table and give up on life.

Miraculously they find out that maintenance has not in fact left yet and will be able to run by the apartment when they get done pressure washing one of the buildings. Relieved, I head back to the apartment with Ashley; within the hour the maintenance guy is knocking on our door. Ashley lets him in and he basically stomps inside. Before he speaks I apologize and promise that I'm not going out of my way to be a pest. He shrugs it off and heads directly for my room without asking which one it is because he's got that memorized by now. I walk in behind him and within seconds he has my bathroom door open; he says, "Piece of wire hanger. Works like a charm." I only have plastic hangers, but I don't inform him of this.

On his way out I thank him and say goodbye - he throws his hand up (waving, I think) and says, "See you tomorrow." I don't think the impression I've made on the maintenance crew is a positive one.


  1. Asleigh, you're too awesome :)

  2. Awwh thanks Deisy, you're awesome too!

  3. Ashleigh, this would only happen to you! You make me want to just take care of you lol.

  4. Lol thanks Liv, my luck has always been.. unfortunate haha. But makes for good stories (:
