October 22, 2010
In order to study for my two exams I have today, I stayed up until 2:00 in the morning. I set my alarm for 5:30 so that I could be at the Scholars Egypt Trip meeting that was being held at 7:00 a.m. I somehow managed to get up, turn my alarm off, and stay asleep until 6:15. Frantic, I banged on my roommate Ashley's door to wake her up so she could give me a ride. While waiting for her to wake up I quickly ran to my bathroom to wash my face; I reached for the glass knob and twisted.. it broke in half. So now I'm left with my water running on full blast and no way to turn it off as the only thing left was a little piece of metal that wouldn't move.
Logic now tells me to put the two halves together on either side of the remaining metal piece in order to turn the water off.. right? Wrong. I have no idea how, but my bony little hand managed to shatter the two pieces of glass knob into dozens of smaller pieces. Oh but it's all good, I can call Wolf Creek and get them to fix it, right? Wrong again. I have called that poor man so many times to fix things in my room that he honestly believes I break things on purpose. So if I do call Wolf Creek, I'll be paying for the new set of handles to go on my sink. After giving up on the sink I ran and made sure Ashley was up; we rushed out the door and headed towards her car. I stubbed my toe on the sidewalk but just kept on walking - no big deal, right?
Open Ashley's car door. Oh wait, where's my other glove? I only have one.. cool, it's under her car. Throw all of my stuff in her floorboard and grab the glove. At this point we're headed out of Wolf Creek; then I realize.. I left my breakfast and the coffee I was going to use to stay awake today back home. No time to turn back, though, so we keep going. Everything goes pretty smoothly until we arrive at Sullivan. I open the door, thank Ashley for the ride, and try to get my book bag out of the car. It's not budging because it's caught on the bottom of the seat.
It takes me a good five minutes of me yanking and untangling the straps to finally remove it from the car. Finally it's free and I can go inside; it doesn't take me long to find the right room for the Egypt trip meeting. I pay the $350 initial deposit and was then told a lottery system would be used to determine who goes on the trip. If I'm not chosen in the lottery system do I get my money back? I'm not sure, my question was never answered because I'm invisible. Once I paid and attempted to talk to the Scholars guy I just left with another girl interested in going to Egypt. Oh, and if I keep doing as badly as I'm doing in my classes I'll be kicked out of Scholars, meaning I won't be allowed to go on the trip. This is the only year Scholars will go to Egypt, and it is my absolute number one country I want to visit in my lifetime.
By now I'm wanting to eat something - anything - so that I can have a little energy for my first exam. So I walk to the closest C-Store and grab one of those cracker and cheese snack things. On my way to Animal Science I manage to drop the little stick you spread the cheese with and two of the four crackers. Oh yeah, and I forgot to get water. I finally arrive at class and grab an exam. When I was done I felt that I had done pretty decently and left for the library with Alex. I express my desire for some Starbucks and we decide to go to a gas station and buy some. On the way there Alex and I almost got hit by a van that decides even though the crosswalk says "walk", it's more important for them to reach their destination in a timely manner than our lives.
We finally made it to the gas station and brought our drinks to the register. Alex pointed to something sitting on the counter and was trying not to laugh. I give him a weird look and try to figure out what's going on. After staring intently at everything for sale at the register I gasp when I realize what he's talking about, making Alex and the cashier burst out laughing. We head back towards the library and see that the back door, which is usually locked, is propped wide open beside the Creamery where we usually sit. My day just got a little better - it's 60 degrees and windy outside, but now we don't have to walk all the way around the library just to use the front entrance.. or so I thought. We approach the doors and a man carrying a small table says to me,
Man: Ya'll can't come in here darlin'.
Me: *small, unbelieving voice* ..r-r-really?
Man: Sorry.
Me: You mean we have to walk all the way around when the door is open right here?
Man: Yeah..
Me: *voice cracking* I don't think my day can get any worse.. *walking away sadly*
Man: Err, if you want to go in that badly you can..
No, actually. I decided that if I wasn't good enough to go in through that door the first time, I wasn't going to take a pity freebie. At this point my mentality is shot; Alex and I had discussed the Animal Science test and from us comparing what we put down I determined I didn't do that well. I start doing a sort of crying/laughing deal while Alex tries to make me feel better. We make it back to the library and find Heather and Deisy. I have another breakdown while trying to explain to them why I was upset in the first place. Heather and I make our way to our Companion Animals class; I take the time to rant and rave to my poor friends about everything that's happened, probably annoying the ever-living shit out of them as I did so.
Afterwards we all head to Biology, where I have another exam to take.. I grab an answer sheet and start filling out my information. Heather looks over at me and says, "Ashleigh, you put your name on there the wrong way.. it's supposed to be last name first, then first name." Well, shit. Now I have to dig out my big eraser and start over. At this point the exams have been handed out and the timer has started - but I'm still working on putting my name down. I finally get everything in order and open up the test booklet. Just like with my last Biology exam, I have no recollection of what happened when I did the multiple choice. Fortunately I was coherent enough to do a decent essay which will hopefully improve my grade, but I'm not counting on it. I finish the exam and grab my stuff to head for the bus. What do I see when I reach Talley? The Wolf Creek bus driving away into the distance. Yes, it really did happen.
By now I'm starting to accept that everything is guaranteed to go wrong, so I plop down and wait for the next bus. About 20 minutes later one arrives and I head for it; I finally get home and take a nap to sleep away the horridness of my day.
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